Hello and thank you for taking your time to visit my website, my name is Marcus Or 

Coach M.L. Faccini I'm a certified Colaberative Coaching Practitioner. I earned my credentials through McLaren Coaching's year long T.C.E. Program, Transformative Coaching Essentials. From day one of this program I was met with open arms! The introspective nature of the program, the in-depth and challenging instruction of Cami McLaren, and the support of so many good people gave me the freedom to explore me. Who I was and who I wanted to be. It started by looking at the words I was using. My telling myself that I have to do something was holding me back from more than I was aware of. When I started to use the phrase I get to I  came to understand the importance in asking myself: What do I want, how will I know when I have it and what will having it do for me? And a very big one for me: WHAT DID I LEARN? For me those were some tough questions which made me think about my WHY. Why is this important to me, why am I doing it and why does it matter when I do it?Asking myself these simple (not so simple) questions amongst others is how I came up with my style of Coaching or HELPING PEOPLE. I'm not going to lie to you and say this is easy because it's not. Intention, commitment, accountability, challenges, clarity,possibilities,opportunities are all words that become very valuable, important and powerful when you work with me. I'm a listener and I take stands for what people say they want and I believe every person is capable of achieving what they desire. Personal or professional, business or pleasure I'm your Coach, friend, person who helps by being brave with you to face the places that are affecting what you want in your life. Please schedule a call with me thank you.

Coach M.L.

For your free session just leave your name, your email address, and your availability. I'm looking forward to getting to know you!!!

Coach M.L. Faccini

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Bobbie Diricco
5 days ago

I wanted to share my observation.
Marcus has always been a caring person. Always been for the underdog, helping anyone along the way as best he could.
What I’ve seen and recognized with his coaching training is his commitment to assisting others has been magnified along with his skill set being greatly enhanced.
Take a chance , set up a call. I truly believe you will benefit and enjoy the interaction.
Do it !

Cami McLaren
2 months ago

Marcus went through our Coach training program. He is a very committed person who is excellent at building rapport and incredibly committed to the best for others. He has a quality that I think is the most important for coaches and that is his commitment to his own self improvement. And he is a stand for other people getting what they say they want.

Bert Wheeler
3 months ago

I’ve known Marcus for almost 20 years. When we first met, it was as musicians, but over the years that relationship bloomed into something I never expected. He’s the friend I can call when I’m at my lowest for words of encouragement. And he’s the one I can call to share my victories with. We still talk about music, but he has become a force of balance in my life. help me find my center and stay the course. I’m so grateful to have a friend they can deal with my emotional ups and downs, someone who’s willing to listen, and push me to seek out the best for my life in all ways.